Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trying out new hardware for the M2 test

Upon our return yesterday, we were greeted by one of SALT's resident Rock Kestrels - she didn't seem entirely convinced that we ought to be here...

Our goal for the week is to test the new hardware for the M2 test.  This includes the new solid carbon fibre Faro probe extension which will allow us to reach otherwise impossible places...


The other new piece of gear is the target carrier that will locate within the hole in M5 to mark the optical axis of M2 for the null test.  The target carrier consists of a base that seats in the hole via a set of spiral-arm like flexures.


The next layer is a translation stage, that also relies on flexures, for adjusting the target in decentre...


& lastly, on top - the actual target holder part that includes a tip/tilt adjustment mechanism.


Since a change is alleged to be as good as a holiday, I went over to the far side of the plateau to see what Geoff's been up to in the electronics workshop during his standby week... It appears he's been keeping busy building a nifty new rack for SALT!

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